How to increase your leads? All tips! 😎

Gabriela Sánchez

Jul 18, 2023

What is a lead?

A lead is a potential customer, someone who shows interest in your service or product.

It hasn’t fallen yet, but it’s about to go into the oven🔥.

The more leads you get, the better the chances of attracting new customers and growing your sales.

But is it profitable to buy leads?

Imagine you’re at the market buying a box of oranges🍊. How many of these oranges will end up in your juicer making fresh juice and how many will be spoiled and end up in the trash?

In marketing, as in fruit purchases, profitability is not always guaranteed. You have to make sure that the quality of the leads is key.

Our sound😅 advice is not to buy databases because you will be faced with outdated, poorly segmented data of unknown origin.

That’s why we encourage you to be the one to build your list of leads that fit your interests, quality leads, those that will truly buy from you or at least show signs.

Here’s how you can do it.

But first, it’s important to mention that converting these leads into real customers is not that simple. It’s like going from strangers to friends.

Let’s say that a “raw” or “cold” lead isn’t much use if it’s not nurtured, worked on, and heated (to end up converting them into customers).

That’s why we need a lead generation strategy, which involves more than just getting them.

How to do it? We give you the honey😏

🌌Spoiler: the last strategy, which is our magic recipe, is the one that is working best for us. You can do it in a matter of an afternoon and you’ll see results. You’ll see how quickly you can generate quality leads thanks to advances in artificial intelligence. It’s inexpensive and scalable.

Create SEO and SEM content and incorporate the newsletter form into articles

Optimizing your website is the foundation for everything. If you can’t be found by search engines, you’re literally lost. It’s like being an island that doesn’t appear on the map🏝️

Partner with Google Ads and SEO, it’s very effective for lead generation.

It will help you to place yourself in the top positions on the results pages and give visibility and exposure to your website in the eyes of potential customers.

You will see how the traffic to your website increases.

Then, put effort and creativity into the content you produce, that is useful and eye-catching😉

This will help you position your brand as a thought leader and give it authority, an essential sales trigger.

📝Don’t forget to include an easy-to-fill form to capture their contact details or add a lead magnet. It’s a good way to convert this traffic into leads.

Make sure your forms are adapted to different devices, try to have as few fields as possible, and try different, creative calls to action.

Offers free tools – the lead capturer

Offering a free tool, such as an industry benchmarking tool or word cloud generator, can attract potential customers who have a specific pain point or need to complete a particular task.

Example of a tool we created, a policy generator for online stores:

It is positioned on Google with SEO techniques.

And every day we are receiving leads who leave their data in exchange for being able to generate the policies for their store.

These leads are very valuable because they are segmented leads!

They are usually people who are setting up a business, more specifically, an online store and who need ways to give visibility and sell their products.

Other examples of tools with different functions: shrink a PDF, check your website’s responsiveness settings, create a free form, etc.

Think about what tools your ideal customers might need.

Get new leads with Facebook Ads – Lead Magnet

The lead magnet consists of offering your potential customer valuable content that can be downloaded for free (a guide, an ebook, a free class, a podcast…) in exchange for their email address and other information📨

Of course, be prepared to dedicate resources, effort, and time to yourself. One of lime and one of sand, but the results are worth it.

It is the least economical method, since paid advertising is expensive and you will have to create ads, several landing pages, not to mention valuable content, etc.

Buy Database

Don’t siren songs sound cute? Ah, but the end of the sailors not so much. Well, don’t be the sailor here.

Although they sound very tempting, databases will not solve your strategy🙅. They usually provide you with outdated and unqualified leads that come from unknown sources.

Better build your database of potential👌🏻 customers yourself. With the following method.

B2B and B2C lead generation process with Mailerfind

How can Mailerfind help you?

Instead of relying on manual efforts and old-fashioned approaches to find b2b leads, searching websites, Instagram pages, making calls, opening conversations on Linkedin…

This tool called Mailerfind automates lead generation with just a few clicks.

Basically, it collects public contact details (name, email, phone, website, location, interests…) of the followers of any Instagram account (from your business niche, a competitor, etc.) and allows you to contact them, all automatically.

📌Look, here’s an example of a campaign we sent with Mailerfind. We show results.

Also, they have a step-by-step guide for you to go from point A) I have no idea how to use Mailerfind, to point –> B) I’ve had a customer come to me and I’ve sold💟.

If you have a product that solves a problem and you have an audience with that problem, it’s the perfect match. Where do you find that audience with that problem that you solve? At Mailerfind📍

It helps you find the contact information of your ideal customers and send mass emails in a matter of seconds. It’s like getting your business in front of thousands of people in no time.

Social Media Advertising

As we have already mentioned, in the case of Facebook Ads, it has a lot of ads specially designed to capture leads without the need for users to leave the social network.

You can also use social media organically to generate quality traffic to your website. Be sure to put the link to your website in the bio of your social media profile

*Track results

Measurement is a critical part of every marketing strategy. Take a few minutes to set your metrics or KPIs so you know what worked and what you should improve.


Harvesting leads has many benefits. It allows you to build a relationship with your audience before you try to sell them something. It also provides you with a database of people interested in what you offer, which can make your future marketing efforts easier.

Now you know all about B2B lead generation and an innovative tool called Mailerfind that will get your project off the ground. Are you ready to get started?

💌 Mailerfind has a Sample Plan with which you can get your first leads, launch your first campaign and start seeing movement: messages in your inbox, visits to the website, new followers on social networks, and above all, new customers.

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What is Outbound Marketing?

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is like traditional or interruption marketing. Unlike inbound marketing, which focuses on attracting customers through valuable content and specific messages, outbound marketing takes a more direct approach, such as advertising, cold calling, direct mail, and other forms of proactive contact