Is it legal to send bulk or cold emails? – What the GDPR says

Bernat López

Nov 3, 2022

1. Check how are you collecting the data

The organic data protection and GDPR laws establish the legal bases for collecting personal data, in this case, the emails of the users.

It is legal to collect emails when

Users give you their consent: this is usually done through contact forms and consent boxes (silence or previously checked boxes are not valid).

They come from public and accessible sources: telephone directories, public social network profiles, web pages, lists of professional associations, etc.

So don’t be afraid to use tools like MailerFind, which can collect, in an automated way, the public contact details that are published on social media profiles. It is one of the most effective and affordable growth strategies nowadays.

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MailerFind Software

2. How to legally send emails

The regulation also affects the way you send these emails.

You cannot bombard with promotions if the user has not authorized you. Therefore, the first contact must be non-commercial.
You must ensure that you inform about the treatment of the data (below we show you how to do it through a legal text) and offer the possibility that the user can unsubscribe from your emails.

So, to summ up, these are the essential tips to send cold emails in compliance with the regulations:

Collect emails from public sources, that is, you can get the emails that are publicly listed on the internet, or use automated tools that do this work for you, for example MailerFind.

Do not make promotions in your very first communication. Don’t be like…BUY ME, BUY ME, in your first email. No! Try to be creative, natural, and not sound too commercial. Make it look like you’re not selling, but creating relationships (which is what you really need to achieve).

💌 Tip: A simple way to ensure that you comply with the regulations is that in this first email you try to help and add value. Offer solutions to people who may need your products or services.

The call to action of the first cold email can be sending a person to a valuable content that you have created (blog, instructional video, podcast…). The call to action could, as well, invite the user to answer your email or schedule a call with you.

Sell without selling. What you want are relationships that last over time. You will see how you sell later after this first interaction, or even with the information you have added in your email signature (website, LinkedIn, contact information…).

In case you want to see it in practice, here is a short video in which we show you an example of a sales funnel that we created ourselves and that yielded very positive results:

Add a legal text at the end of your emails. In this text you must indicate that they can unsubscribe to stop receiving emails.

You just have to be certain that your idea or project can be of GREAT help to the people behind those emails.

Once you have his (favorable) reaction, start interacting with the user.

Have you seen that it is not as complex as it seems? Sending cold emails IS legal.

If you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to help you in any way we can.

Cold emailing is one of the most effective and profitable tools that you can use to capture potential clients, scale your business and sell more.

And the best thing is that it will cost you less money than any other type of promotion.

But for doing this, you first need…a quality and targeted email list.

💌 Download the MailerFind Google Chrome Extension to automatically find emails interested in what you sell. It is very simple to use. Here you have an instructional video.

Disclaimer: This is not a legal notice, therefore no liability can be derived from the article. This document only contains some guidelines on what GDPR is and how it may affect our clients in terms of creating new professional relationships. Contact data privacy lawyers for the appropriate legal advice that meets your specific requirements.

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