Aumenta tu Potencial: descubre la mejor estrategia de generación de leads en bienes raíces

Gabriela Sánchez

Jul 18, 2023
Real State Lead generation strategies

What is lead generation in real estate?

Lead generation is about strategically enticing potential buyers, sellers, or renters into your sphere of influence. Like bees to honey🍯, these leads are individuals who have willingly shared their contact details, ready for you to transform them into fruitful opportunities.

In other words, lead generation in the real estate sector refers to the process of attracting and capturing the contact information of people interested in buying, selling or renting properties.

Each contact detail of a potential client is a lead. It’s someone who has provided their contact information, like name, email, phone number, etc. 📩📞

Instead of trying to persuade people who may not even be looking for a property, lead generation allows real estate companies to focus on those who have already shown interest.

But hold your horses! The strategies we’re going to provide you are not just about lead quantity but also quality.

How to turn my leads into real clients?

Once you have your leads, the fun begins. But don’t just sit back, the key is to nurture these leads through regular contact, like a gardener tending to his seedlings🌱

Send them engaging emails, keep them in the loop with new properties, meet them for personalized discussions, and keep their needs at the forefront.

And then these leads will evolve from mere names and email addresses into satisfied clients.

As your leads flourish, you will see a marked increase in property viewings, inquiries, and ultimately – deal closings.

For example, sending them periodic messages, scheduling personalized meetings, sharing updated information about the real estate market, new available properties, practical tips, answering calls, etc.

You’ll see that as you nurture your leads, they’ll start to show interest in what you offer by asking questions, requesting property visits and expressing the desire to work with you🤝🏻

How and where to find leads in real estate

Now, let’s get to what interests us, how and where to find these leads!

In the modern digital marketing landscape, generating high-quality leads is crucial to business growth. Two of the most effective platforms for this purpose are Facebook and Google Ads. This informational and persuasive guide will take you through the steps of using these platforms to maximize lead generation.

What is a Lead?

A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest in your product or service. Leads can be generated through various channels such as organic search, referrals, or paid advertising. The latter, particularly through Facebook and Google Ads, has proven to be an incredibly effective method for businesses of all sizes.

Lead Magnets

Before diving into Facebook and Google Ads, it’s crucial to understand what a lead magnet is. A lead magnet is a valuable offer you give to a potential customer in exchange for their contact information. It can come in various forms including e-books, free trials, webinars, or discounts.

For example, a fitness company might offer a free e-book on «10 Easy At-Home Workouts» in exchange for a visitor’s email address. This strategy not only provides value to potential customers but also opens a channel of communication between your company and the lead.

Generating Leads on Facebook

Facebook, with over 2.8 billion active users, offers a massive audience for your business to tap into. Facebook’s highly customizable advertising platform allows businesses to target users based on their interests, behavior, location, and more, making it a powerful tool for lead generation.

  • Targeting the Right Audience: To run effective lead generation campaigns on Facebook, you need to know your target audience. Facebook’s audience insights tool gives you detailed information about your audience, which you can use to tailor your ads.
  • Creating Compelling Ad Content: The content of your Facebook ad is the primary factor that will either attract or repel potential leads. Make sure your ad clearly communicates the value of your offer. Use captivating images or videos and persuasive text to make your ad stand out.
  • Using Lead Ads: Facebook’s lead ads are a great tool for collecting information from users without them having to leave the platform. When users click on your lead ad, they’ll see a form that’s pre-filled with their Facebook contact information, which they can edit and confirm in just a couple of clicks.

Generating Leads on Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is another powerful platform for lead generation. It works on a pay-per-click (PPC) model where you pay Google each time a user clicks on your ad. The primary advantage of Google Ads is its vast reach since Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day.

  • Keyword Research: Effective use of Google Ads starts with thorough keyword research. Keywords are the search terms that potential customers use on Google. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to find high-volume, low-competition keywords that are relevant to your business.
  • Creating Effective Ad Copy: Your ad copy must be concise, relevant, and persuasive. Include your main keyword in the headline and describe the benefits of your offer in the description. An effective call-to-action (CTA) is also crucial.
  • Landing Page Optimization: When a user clicks on your ad, they should land on a page that aligns with the ad’s message. This page, known as a landing page, should be optimized to convert visitors into leads. The design should be clean and the CTA clear. The lead magnet should be prominently displayed, and the process of obtaining it should be straightforward.

By integrating these strategies, businesses can leverage Facebook and Google Ads to generate high-quality leads. Remember, lead generation is just the first step. Nurturing those leads into customers through effective email marketing and stellar customer service is equally critical. As you experiment with these platforms, keep an eye on your analytics to understand what works best for your unique business. With time and persistence, your business will see growth in leads and ultimately, sales.

Identify your buyer persona before jumping into the ring

In the ABC of lead generation, the A will always be to identify your buyer persona.

If you do not know what you are looking for, you will never find suitable clients, therefore, the idea of ​​the prospect model should start from you, the type of strategy will depend on it. And it will reduce your risk levels to a minimum.

Permanently plan interactive content

Spend a few hours thinking about the content that best fits each stage. They must be attractive, diverse but above all useful. Remember that the clients who come to you are looking for a solution, so you must take hold of their weak point to show all your artillery in favor of their solution.

Invest in free distribution elements such as downloadable ebooks or podcasts and never underestimate newsletters,

Email marketing for realtors

The purpose of email marketing for realtors is to help drive traffic to your website and generate more leads. Email marketing is also a way to stay relevant in the minds of people you already know and may have worked with in the past. Make sure your emails are providing something of value to the reader, like a free consultation so they don’t feel like you’re spamming them.

Build a website

Having your own business website not only solidifies the professional and serious image in the market, but also organizes and makes the work of the company more visible. It is the space to show off our best outfits. Win them over with creative, persuasive and useful content and take them to your land, directly to the payment gateway.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is more of a long game when it comes to generating leads. It takes time to build up your ranking and you will need to do research about keywords to use in your listing to help boost you. However, the effort is definitely worth it.

Many people rely on Google to search for everything, including realtors. The higher you rank in the search results, the more likely people are to click on your website or listings. The more people click on your listings, the more potential leads.

Integrating Newsletter Sign-Up Boxes and CTAs

In today’s digital age, one of the most effective strategies to keep your audience engaged and to optimize your blog’s potential is through the strategic placement of newsletter sign-up boxes and calls-to-action (CTAs).

A newsletter sign-up box is a simple form inserted within your blog, which allows visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. This can be a highly effective way to convert casual blog visitors into committed followers or even customers.

To integrate a newsletter sign-up box into your blog posts, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Right Spot: The placement of the sign-up box can be crucial for its success. It could be positioned at the end of the article, in the sidebar, in the header, or even as a pop-up. Make sure it’s prominent but not intrusive.
  2. Make It Attractive: The design of your sign-up box should align with your brand and be visually appealing. An attractive design can entice your visitors to sign up.
  3. Offer Value: Give your visitors a reason to sign up. This could be regular blog updates, exclusive content, a free e-book, or even a discountCall-to-Action (CTA) code.
  4. Ensure a Simple Process: Make the sign-up process as easy as possible. Ask only for essential information, usually just an email address.

A CTA is a prompt that tells the reader to take a specific action. In a blog post, it could be a text link, a button, or an image prompting the reader to do something such as subscribe, download an e-book, or purchase a product.

Here’s how to effectively incorporate a CTA in your blog articles:

  1. Choose the Right CTA: Your CTA should be relevant to the blog post and valuable to the reader.
  2. Location Matters: Like the newsletter sign-up box, the location of your CTA is vital. It could be incorporated at the end of the blog post, in the middle of the article, or even in the sidebar. Test different placements to see what works best for your audience.
  3. Stand Out: Your CTA should stand out from the rest of your content. Use contrasting colors, larger fonts, or eye-catching images to make it noticeable.
  4. Clear and Concise: Your CTA should clearly tell readers what they’ll get by clicking. Use concise, action-oriented language like «Download Now», «Get Your Free Guide», or «Subscribe Today».

By strategically incorporating a newsletter sign-up box and CTAs into your blog articles, you can effectively optimize your blog to drive more subscriptions, downloads, and conversions. Remember to continually test and refine your strategy based on your audience’s response and engagement.

Create a branded email signature

Another important element of email marketing for realtors is creating a branded email signature. Email signatures take emails to the next level by creating an automatic heir of professionalism. Email signatures are also a great way to tie your personal brand and visual style into your email marketing strategies. They also make it easy for the reader to know exactly who they are communicating with and how to get in touch with you.

Content marketing

Creating and distributing useful and relevant content such as blogs, guides, and videos can help businesses attract more visitors to their website and establish their authority in their industry.

Video marketing for realtors

Video marketing is a very effective lead-generation tool for realtors. People want to see what properties look like before committing to an in-person tour and videos are the perfect way to show them. Videos can also be used to generate leads in many other ways, check out our blog post for more details about the best ways to use video marketing.

Developing An Effective Video Marketing Strategy: Did you know that 73% of homeowners say they are more likely to list with a real estate agent who offers to create a video for them? At the same time, only 4% of agents put their listings on YouTube. According to MarketingSherpa, videos attract two to three times as many visitors to an agent’s site, and doubles the amount of time they spend there.

Good thing there are plenty of ways to incorporate video into a marketing strategy:

  • Client interviews
  • Q&A live streams
  • How-to and general information videos
  • Agent profiles
  • Yearly reviews
  • Videos of local community events (which we will be discussing at length soon).

Many people rely on Google to search for everything, including realtors. The higher you rank in the search results, the more likely people are to click on your website or listings. The more people click on your listings, the more potential leads.

TikTok and Lead Generation

TikTok is hot right now and with one billion active users, has huge lead generation potential for realtors. Utilizing TikTok involves building your personal brand within the app. To do so you will need to put out videos that focus on the niche real estate demographic. Get creative and don’t be afraid to participate in viral trends when they serve you.

Create contact networks

Take the initiative to contact lawyers, bankers and merchants in your city. Give them information about your properties and learn about their real estate ambitions.

This will not only be great for fostering collaboration in both resources and human capital, but also for monitoring trends and sharing information about leads.

Online Advertising

Businesses may use online advertising, such as social media or search engine ads, to reach their target audience and drive visitors to their website.

Hiring a real estate CRM

The real estate CRM, although it is a paid service, is of great help to organize your strategy, offer follow-up to the sales funnel, etc.

They can even tell you which aspects of your campaigns you should spend more time and money on; and to which less. Its algorithm-based outreach power can do wonders for your firm, collaborating with templates 24 x 24, 365 days a year.

Best lead generation real estate sites and software

Thankfully, there is a range of online resources available for the realtor looking to draw in more leads. Three outstanding site services for real estate lead generation are:

  • Real Geeks: A comprehensive real estate marketing platform that offers a real estate website optimized for lead generation, a real estate CRM, and a digital marketing solution. The Real Geeks website is designed to convert visitors into leads through lead capture forms and high-quality content. Their CRM is designed to help you manage and track your leads, and their digital marketing solution helps you drive more visitors to your website.

    Zurple: A software solution that helps real estate agents convert leads into clients. Zurple captures your website leads and then uses artificial intelligence to analyze their behavior and send them personalized messages. These messages are designed to generate engagement and move leads through the sales funnel. Zurple also provides you with reports and analytics to help you better understand your leads and improve your marketing strategy.

    BoomTown!: A complete real estate platform that offers a CRM, a personalized website, and digital marketing services. Their CRM helps agents track leads and customer communications, while the website is designed to attract and capture leads. BoomTown! also offers advertising services on Google and Facebook to help you attract more visitors to your website. Also, BoomTown! offers coaching and support to help you get the most out of its tools.

    For lead capturing tools, CRM, data collecting software, and IDX site builders check out the following places to start:

    Zillow Premier: Zillow Premier Agent is a tool designed to help real estate agents attract more leads. As a Premier Agent, your listings and profile are featured on Zillow and Trulia, two of the largest real estate websites. When someone requests information about a property, it is sent to a Premier agent. You can also choose to run ads to increase your visibility. Zillow Premier Agent also includes a CRM, which allows agents to track leads and customer interactions, helping to convert those leads into customers.

    Agent Placester: Placester is a real estate digital marketing platform that enables agents and brokers to create high-quality, engaging websites. It includes tools for web design, CRM, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Placester integrates with other social media platforms and offers automated posting tools for posting listings and content to social media. Placester CRM helps agents manage and track their leads and customer communications.

    Showcase IDX: A property search solution for real estate agent websites. This WordPress plugin offers an attractive and easy-to-use property search that integrates seamlessly with your website. Site visitors can save searches, bookmark their favorite properties, and share listings with friends and family, all of which help generate and capture leads. Showcase IDX also provides analytics to help you understand how visitors are interacting with your website and properties.

    Area Pulse: A real estate analysis tool that provides detailed information on specific markets. With Area Pulse, you can create custom reports that show price trends, sales statistics, demographics, and more. These reports can be shared with clients and can help you position yourself as an expert in your local market. It’s also a great tool for attracting and retaining leads, as you can set up regular reports to send to your leads.


Real estate lead generation gradually broadens the reach of your business. Learning how to generate real estate leads is essential to launching a thriving real estate business. Although it’s not always easy to generate leads in the real estate industry, with these tools you can make it easier.

It is always important that your emails contain useful information and links to blogs and other pages on your website, were visitors can learn more.

Do not despair, the generation is gradual; minimizing risks and having under control the entry and exit of your budgets in each area.

If you have any questions, remember that Mailerfind offers you personalized support 24/7 and, in addition to giving you useful content, we have specialized lead extraction software with which you can obtain contact data from the Instagram profiles you want.

So if your competition is on Instagram, follow the button just below and write to us, we have the perfect solution for you

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¿Qué es el Marketing de Salida?

¿Qué es el Marketing de Salida?

El Marketing de Salida es como el marketing tradicional o de interrupción. A diferencia del marketing de entrada, que se centra en atraer clientes a través de contenido valioso y mensajes específicos, el marketing de salida adopta un enfoque más directo, como la publicidad, las llamadas en frío, el correo directo y otras formas de contacto proactivo.