How this Infoproduct generated €10,000 thanks to Mailerfind’s system

Manuel Moreno

Jan 20, 2023

About the business

Sector: Marketing Training

Hotel Area: Seville

Challenge: Save time and money in creating your advertising campaigns

Solution: Create Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences in Facebook Ads using the hyper-segmented data provided by Mailerfind

Main Product

What product were you looking to promote with your campaign?

It consists of a high-ticket info-product that provides support to those who want to enter the field of marketing agencies, even if they lack prior knowledge.

Our proposal focuses on training and mentoring individuals, allowing them to obtain at least one client within less than 30 days. In addition, we help them generate profits of at least €1,000 in that same period of time.

The Challenge

Hi, I’m Manuel Moreno, Marketing Director and Facebook Ads expert. When I saw Mailerfind, I had an “aha” moment 💡 to take advantage of the hyper-segmented data of my ideal customers that Mailerfind was going to provide me and import it into Facebook Ads to take advantage of my expertise in this platform.

Facebook Ads has some very good things, but also very bad things – one of them, the optimization time, which is too long and too expensive😅

Come on, it can take months for the algorithm to fine-tune the audience before you see any decent results and in the meantime, goodbye budget! But once it gets going, everything goes well.

However, I found the solution to this problem by providing Facebook with the exact data of my ideal audience (courtesy of Mailerfind).

I started gathering a large number of leads interested in my business through the software.

I must say that I had high expectations for this strategy because I know Facebook Ads well, but the results far exceeded what I had imagined. We really managed to save an impressive amount of time and money on our advertising campaigns .


What I had in mind to achieve with Mailerfind’s tool was an accurate extraction of email addresses that would allow us to build a database aimed at a very specific🎯 interest

At that point, together with my team, our product was already at a pretty solid level. Even so, we were a bit stagnant in terms of turnover and we were looking to find new alternatives to scale infoproduct (in the most automated way possible).


By using Mailerfind, I collected information from the followers of my competitors‘ Instagram accounts, with which I was able to create a lookalike audience through Facebook Ads and target groups of users who were much more likely to be interested in our infoproduct.

In this way, we achieved much more precise segmentation in less than a week, which resulted in substantial savings in time and money in terms of optimization. And as a result, a very significant increase in sales.

Facebook Ads Custom Audience: This is a group of people that you carefully select. Imagine that thanks to Mailerfind you have an Excel file with 5000 potential customers. You can import this listing and create a Custom Audience to show targeted ads to these 5000 real people.

Lookalike audience on Facebook Ads: This is a group of people who look like your current customers. For example, if you have an Excel file with 5000 potential customers thanks to Mailerfind, you can use this information to create a lookalike audience. Facebook will then look for people with similar characteristics to those 5000, allowing you to reach a new audience but one that shares similarities with your potential customers.


In a span of one month, taking advantage of the qualified emails and lookalike audience we created, added to our efficient sales funnel, we have reached a total profit of €📈 10,000

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What is Outbound Marketing?

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is like traditional or interruption marketing. Unlike inbound marketing, which focuses on attracting customers through valuable content and specific messages, outbound marketing takes a more direct approach, such as advertising, cold calling, direct mail, and other forms of proactive contact