How This Software Company Is Achieving Over 50 Demos Per Week With Mailerfind


Sep 1, 2023

About the business

Industry: Enterprise Software

Location: Barcelona

Challenge: Generate qualified leads and attract affiliates to promote and sell the software

Solution: Bulk Personalized Cold Email Campaign Using Mailerfind

About the software

Mailerfind is a software that collects for you the emails and other public data (name, phone number, website, location…) of the followers of any Instagram profile, automating lead generation with a single click.

It offers the opportunity to massively contact the followers of pages that publish content in your niche or even those of your competitors.

It is useful for any business owner who wants to get their products or services out there to their target audience in a short time and affordably.

The Challenge

The campaign that you will see now in this case study was carried out in the early days of Mailerfind.

At that time, we already had several customer acquisition channels that were working very well, such as Tik Tok and SEO.

Still, our ambition was to constantly test new solutions to scale our software, avoid stagnation, and expand the market📈

We tried some lead generation software on LinkedIn, but soon discovered that it wasn’t a viable solution.

The open and response rates were quite disappointing compared to what we found in email or Whatsapp campaigns.

This is likely due to the saturation of message automation tools on LinkedIn.

Every day we receive invitations and messages from other companies trying to sell us their services. In fact, approximately 80% of the messages we receive on this social network consist of this, which, honestly, can be a bit overwhelming🥴

In addition, we realized that on LinkedIn we couldn’t target by interests, only by job characteristics, which limited our ability to reach specific audiences.

That’s when we decided to move forward with an idea we’d been considering since we created the software💡:

Sell Mailerfind through Mailerfind itself.


Actually, for this campaign, we had a very clear goal in mind.

A colleague from the software industry shared with us his success with affiliate marketing to promote his product.

Affiliate marketing is based on promoting third-party products or services using a unique link. Basically, you become an affiliate for a product and earn commissions on every sale made through your affiliate🔗 link

So we decided to jump into affiliate 🔎 search and, as you’ll see later, we created an email specifically designed for this strategy.

The surprise was that this email not only provided us with new affiliates every day, but also new customers (and the most surprising thing is that these customers 💸 did not come directly from the affiliates, but from the email itself that we had sent).


To find engaged affiliates, we researched Instagram and found @javier.elices, an influencer who trains affiliates. We already had a clear direction. Javier Élices’ followers were our ideal target audience: people from the marketing world looking for quality products to affiliate with and make money.



Thanks to Mailerfind, we were able to quickly collect the contact details of their followers, specifically, 5099 potential affiliates.

The next thing was to create the email with our proposal 📩 Here it is:

Our strategy focuses on being VERY close and natural, avoiding being intrusive. The email looks very personal and although it’s extensive, it grabs attention with a hook right from the start, encouraging people to keep reading.

From the email, we direct the recipients to a video where we explain how Mailerfind works and how they can make money selling the software. Here are the fees and other key details. This was the video:



What’s intriguing about this case study is that the focus of email wasn’t about selling, but about collaborating and building relationships. This generated a very positive response rather than rejection from the recipients.

The click-through rate on the link was very high, and most people watched the entire video.

Not feeling that they were being sold to, they listened with interest about Mailerfind.

Suddenly, they realized the usefulness of the software, not only as a good opportunity for affiliation, but also to promote their own projects.

That’s why we not only got a lot of affiliates, but also demos of our software and new customers through this mail.

Selling without selling is highly effective🤫

Here you can see some of the many responses we received to this email.


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What is Outbound Marketing?

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is like traditional or interruption marketing. Unlike inbound marketing, which focuses on attracting customers through valuable content and specific messages, outbound marketing takes a more direct approach, such as advertising, cold calling, direct mail, and other forms of proactive contact