Lead Generation: build your custom contact list


Jan 9, 2023

This segmentation and generation of qualified contacts is possible thanks to tools like MailerFind. This Chrome extension allows you to build your list of quality leads, being able to segment by location, interests, level of engagement…

This is a great tool that, if used wisely🧙‍♂️, can help you grow your business on a large scale and reduce your cost of customer acquisition to a minimum.

How does it work?

It is intuitive and easy to use. In the previous lesson we show you how you can locate and contact your ideal clients through MailerFind (take a look if you haven’t already done so to find out how this tool works).

Even so, once you are inside MailerFind, we provide you with step-by-step instructions so that you can make the most of all its features.

We leave you here a video in which we make a small live demo using the tool, in case you want to chat and see how it works😉.

But is this whole process legal? Can I collect leads and send mass or cold emails in compliance with the regulations?

The answer is yes! Here you can find more information.

Si tus dudas no están cubiertas en el Centro de Ayuda, puedes contactarnos [email protected], siempre estamos encantados de conocer a nuevos amantes de la generación de leads💌.

In the next lesson we will see how you can monetize these leads like a professional by sending mass emails without falling into spam.

Do not miss it, because we do not want your precious emails to be ignored and end up in oblivion. Here in our team, we have a very clear objective: to help you sell more and better, and to get the most out of your leads.

¿Quieres hacer crecer tu negocio y aprender a monetizar tu lista de correos?

Recibe nuestros consejos imprescindibles para escribir correos que vendan y ahorra tiempo y dinero con técnicas de email marketing que realmente dan resultados.

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What is Outbound Marketing?

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is like traditional or interruption marketing. Unlike inbound marketing, which focuses on attracting customers through valuable content and specific messages, outbound marketing takes a more direct approach, such as advertising, cold calling, direct mail, and other forms of proactive contact